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Reply to 9/7 update, 15 miles ridden out from P Hill

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Reply to 9/7 update, 15 miles ridden out from P Hill
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Matt from Lee's Summit on 9/7/2017 1:39:06 PM:
The trail is generally good, but you do have to pay attention. The leaves on the ground and shadows play tricks on your eyes, and make it tough to spot even minor washouts. Today I rode 15 miles out from Pleasant Hill and back to check the trail.

Two noteworthy areas that are damaged. Passable, but you need to pay attention. The most significant is at the trail access gate at the intersection of SW 1871st road and the trail. Take care there, some washout damage from water. Second, be careful slightly west of there, at the trail's intersection with SW 600th road. Again, some water damage.

Both are passable, but could put you down if you aren't alert. Also perhaps a hazard for less experienced riders.