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Steve Scoville from Delton on 4/7/2017 7:36:07 AM:
This was our first trip on the KATY. Beautiful Ride! The trip was made great by the amazing support of Todd from Katy Bike Rentals. His add was one that popped up on the Katy Website. Todd gave great trip recommendations from recommended stops and lodging to providing great shuttle service and an emergency repair call. Todd gets my vote for the KATY Ambassador. He made a great four day ride, Amazing!

Anonymous on 4/7/2017 8:54:44 AM:
I've never met Todd but I'm voting for him too just for helping to make your Katy experience Amazing.

tcarl from St. Louis area on 4/12/2017 12:24:13 AM:
I've met Todd several times and been to Katy Bike Rentals. Very highly recommended.