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Reply to OK wine but bad food
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Jeanette from St. Louis on 7/31/2014 12:14:09 PM:
We have been biking the Katy Trail for 10 years and stopping at Mount Pleasant winery for lunch and wine. Until a few years ago we could bring food onto the premises, then the policy changed to "no food" but you could buy lunch there. The food was well prepared so we were OK with buying our lunch. Then the food offered went down in quality but was still expensive. At that point they lost our business forever.
"No outside food or beverages are allowed on the premises as part of their sustainable practices". What does that mean?

Trek on 7/31/2014 12:46:19 PM:
They can not sustain their business (continue to exist) without food and beverage sales. If you bring food or drink and in use the winery only for a place to land, they make no money. Looks like they don't like people just sitting around without spending any money. Pretty common, most businesses like to make money while they provide a place to hang out.