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Reply to Red Brick Inn (Augusta)
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Tom & Becky from Keavy, KY on 10/12/2006 8:39:01 PM:
The Red Brick Inn is wonderful! The best breakfast we had on the trail.
Corrine made a fabulous breakfast that Tom (a bacon and egg man) and I certainly enjoyed. The home is great, but my favorite part of the stay was conversing with Gary and Corrine. What interesting people. Hot tub felt good too!
Thanks Gary and Corrine!

Doug from Fort Smith, AR on 10/23/2006 4:35:20 PM:
WOWZA! You won't find two more courteous and delightful folks than Gary and Corrine. The room was cozy after a long ride, and the Post's are the most gracious hosts that you could ask for. Don't even get me started on breakfast. Schedule your trip around this delightful place and you won't be disappointed.